Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reinforcing effort can lead to greater student success. After completing the reading for this week, I have decided to incorporate the idea of using spreadsheet software to help students see the relationship between their effort and their successes. The eighth grade language arts teacher in our school creates a class chart which shows students the correlation between the number of zeros on homework assignments and the number of students failing at midterm and the end of the quarter. This is a great tool to show middle school students the relationship between failing grades and a lack of effort. While this is effective, I think having students track their individual effort in relationship to their successes and failures would be even more beneficial. Our school is lucky enough to be a part of a one to one initiative which allows each of our students access to their own laptops throughout the school year. Students would easily be able to use their laptop to track their progress. They will see the relationship between working hard and doing well.

As a history teacher, I do feel that homework is an effective assessment tool. I never give assignments as busy work. If I assign something, it is because the work is important and has value. My homework policy is clearly communicated to my students at the beginning of the year. Throughout the year, the format for assignments is varied so that students are able to tap into their different strengths and learning styles. The majority of the time, homework is graded and I provide evaluative feedback only. I have made it my goal, however, to provide more descriptive feedback which I feel is more beneficial.

The district that I teach in uses primarily Apple computers. When I began teaching, we used ClarisWorks for word processing. We then graduated to AppleWorks and now Word. This summer we are being trained in Pages. The reading for this week provided me with several new strategies that I would like to try in the future including using different aspects of Word including having students check the grade level of their writing and using the AutoSummarize tool.

"In addition to learning from multimedia such as educational games and interactive simulations, students can learn with multimedia by creating their own projects at home or at school to develop their understanding and practice skills" (Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K., 2007). I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Since our school is a technology magnet school, we try very hard to integrate technology into ever lesson and provide students with a variety of ways to demonstrate their learning. In my own classroom, students participate in simulations, create podcasts, design iMovies, produce comic books using ComicLife and create iPhoto books.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


  1. Jodi,
    I agree that having students track their individual effort is a great way for them to see a comparison between effort and achievement. If students are simply given data at the end of a semester or quarter, it does not truly given them anything to relate to. I also like your idea of varying homework styles throughout the year. As we know, students learn differently and may benefit from one style over the other. I am amazed at the level of technology integration that is happening in your classroom. You are very fortunate to work in such a supportive environment with many resources to apply in order to help your students succeed.

  2. Jodi,

    I definitely agree with using excel to help track students see visually the correlation between effort and achievement. I am personally struggling with this with many of my students. Why did I not think of this?

    You stated that your school is well equipped with technology. That is a great blessing. My school does have a variety of technology equipment, however it is extremely limited because we there are only a few of each piece of technology. With teachers transitioning, using technology can be quite cumbersome.

    It is true that many students feel that the homework I assign is busy work. Perhaps that may be why so students do not want to attempt it. We are using the C-scope curriculum which means more discoveries for my students, however there are many times where homework is not assigned and more papers in their binder because they are creating their book with the analysis obtained by doing the project. For the most part the discoveries are not graded, therefore sometimes; it is difficult to maintain students' engagement during the project. I also agree that having all the technology into every lesson is quite difficult. Perhaps for me, I am not completely accustomed to it. It may be wise (for me) to start with one piece of technology and then start adding more each year so it may not be too overwhelming.

  3. Hello Jodi,

    I think it is a wonderful idea to have your students use the example out of the text. It will truly show your students how their success correlates with their effort. I am also a middle school teacher and I hear so many times from the students that the teachers are causing them to fail. This example will give each student the opportunity to see how much effort that are putting forth and what they need to do to increase it. Ultimately the students will have to take responsinility for their own effort and actions. I also agree that homwework should be meaningful. I am a Health and Physical Education teacher and unfortunately the students at our school take the subject for a joke. I know if I were to assign homework, it will never come back to school. I work in a low income school and most of the students come from homes that are dealing with personal issues, so finding time to squeeze in Health homework seems a little difficult. In general I do believe in meaningful homework. Not busy work but work that correlates with what was taught or like you said going to be taught. Depending on what subject it is, homework does not have to be assigned every night. I would definitely like to hear the results of your students tracking their progress. Please post the overall results of the spreadsheet assignment.
